A Country Occasion

This weekend is the popular country market day “A Country Occasion” at 138 Neudorf Road, Upper Moutere , Nelson, held in the beautiful country gardens around Neudorf Winery and Vinyards. 10am to 4 pm

Flowers 4 Nelson will be there with a site to promote the business and hand out our gorgeous business cards.

Grab your sun hats and head out for a pleasant day; dont forget to call over at our site and say Gidday.

New Zealand Profesional Florists Inc. Conferance

The NZPF conferance was held in Nelson at the weekend, this was also the 80th birthday celebrations for the NZPF.
Debra Kinnaird from Christchurch was the guest designer, and gave a fun demonstration of some of the techniques she uses in floristry. Beautiful living handbags made from decorative wire and covered in moss, with accents of twisted witchhazel stems and beautiful calla lilies.
Debra told us she loves wiring, and next showed us how she made a stunning necklace, with decorative wire and incorporating balls of moss and fresh flower material.
Not finished with the wire yet, Debra showed us how she constructs a barrel from decorative wire, to be used as a wedding bouquet. Strands of wire splashed with beads and succulents were draped over and wired to the construction; as were curved stems of calla lily and long stems of the string of pearls succulent.

Saturday night the conferance dinner held at Trailways Restaurant was a time to relax and chat over a delicious meal and a glass of wine. Many stories from past events the group has held came to be shared.

I entered the competion to construct a `Piece Of Cake’ in the theme of the 80th birthday celebrations, which was a fun thing to do. (see photo)

All in all an interesting and informative event; well done to the committee.

Penny A Bunch by G E Hicks (1824 – 1914)

My interest of flowers started very early, as on the wall at my Grandparents home always hung a very engaging antique print ( probably early 1900’s)of a young girl with long dark hair offering bunches of sweet violets from her basket.

The expression on the girls face is captivating; asking “Do you want to buy a bunch?” That painting was a familiar part of a visit to my Grandparents, and is well remembered by the extended family.

This print would be around 100years old, 
by the British artist G E Hicks. 

Depicts a pretty girl with blue eyes selling her violets. 
It is signed by GE Hicks 99. 
It was painted in Launceston Tasmania, Hicks met this child on a casual trip and was enchanted with her…and asked to paint her.

The owner of the face was in tears when the painter tore her sleeve in order to get the proper waifish look.