Penny A Bunch by G E Hicks (1824 – 1914)

My interest of flowers started very early, as on the wall at my Grandparents home always hung a very engaging antique print ( probably early 1900’s)of a young girl with long dark hair offering bunches of sweet violets from her basket.

The expression on the girls face is captivating; asking “Do you want to buy a bunch?” That painting was a familiar part of a visit to my Grandparents, and is well remembered by the extended family.

This print would be around 100years old, 
by the British artist G E Hicks. 

Depicts a pretty girl with blue eyes selling her violets. 
It is signed by GE Hicks 99. 
It was painted in Launceston Tasmania, Hicks met this child on a casual trip and was enchanted with her…and asked to paint her.

The owner of the face was in tears when the painter tore her sleeve in order to get the proper waifish look.