Commonly called the moth orchid the Phalaenopsis are available as flowering potted plants through out much of the year. The plants grow well in our homes in NZ when they are given bright light (not directly in the sun) and kept at a normal warm room temperature. Phalaenopsis grow naturally in India and South East Asia, and the plants live up in the tree branches they therefore require well drained potting mix; and will generally only need watering once a week. The pot can be placed on a tray of small pebbles to provide some extra humidity without the base of the pot standing in the water. Keep the potting mix moist but not sopping wet; never left for long sitting directly in the water. The leaves can develop disease if water droplets remain on them; so mop up any water on the leaves with a paper towel.The elegant arching flower stems of delicate looking flowers last for four or more weeks; the flower colours range from pure white, creamy yellow, all shades of pinks and purple. Some flowers are spotted or blotched in darker tones. When the old flowers drop,don’ t cut the stem right back to the base. Cut the stem back to the node (nobbly bit) just below where the lowest flower on the stem was; a new flower stem will branch from the old one. Having said that sometimes the whole of the old flower stem yellows and dies, and in this case remove the whole stem. New leaves grow after flowering and following them will arise a completely new flowering stem. Feed with orchid liquid feed from your garden shop; and every two years you can re-pot your orchid into fresh orchid potting mix.